Changes to applicable requirements for deduction/ 控除 (こうじょ)に 適用(てきよう)される 要件(ようけん)の変更(へんこう)
If you are applying for a dependent deduction for relatives living overseas,
please take note that the eligibility requirements have changed since January 2023.
The changes include the
“Amount of money sent overseas,"
"Person receiving money," "Necessary documents,” etc.
Please confirm the new requirements on the National Tax Agency's website.
For more information / 詳(くわ)しい 情報(じょうほう)
Click on the link below. The National Tax Agency provides detailed information in 7 languages.
(Japanese/ English /Chinese /Portuguese /Spanish /Vietnamese /Filipino)
Enquiry /わからないこと を 聞(き)く所(ところ)
Counter No.38 (Resident tax Division), 3 F, Naha City Hall main office.
市民税課(しみんぜいか) 38番(ばん)窓口(まどぐち)
Address: 1-1-1, Izumizaki, Naha City