Job Fair for SSW  特定技能(とくていぎのう)の 会社(かいしゃ)を みつけるイベント


Job Fair for SSW/SSWの会社(かいしゃ)をみつけるイベント

What the Job Fair for SSW is About

This event is designed to help you better understand how SSW works and find companies that suit you best.

Many SSW companies will be participating in the event, where they will answer your questions and provide information about their jobs for you.

About SSW(Specified Skilled Worker)/特定技能(とくていぎのう)について

Learn about SSW on YouTube/ YouTubeで SSWの 説明(せつめい)を 見(み)る

You can watch the video explaining SSW on YouTube.
YouTubeで、SSWの 説明(せつめい)が 見(み)れます。

What are Specified Skilled Workers? / 特定技能(とくてい ぎのう)って なに?

This video has subtitles in 14 languages, so you can choose your preferred language to watch it.

Click the link below. ↓↓外部サイト)

How to add subtitles / 字幕(じまく) を つける

Job Fair for SSW / SSWの 会社(かいしゃ)を さがす イベント  

Find companies from overseas / 外国(がいこく)から 会社(かいしゃ)を みつける

Residents from the following countries are eligible to participate: Indonesia, Vietnam, India, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka,Thailand, Mongolia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan.

●You can get the information about the Specified Skilled Worker System and Japanese companies.
●You can ask questions to representatives from Japanese companies about anything you're interested in.

Online Matching Event [domestic] /オンラインで 会社(かいしゃ)を みつける [国内(こくない)]

●You can find many companies that want to hire Specified Skilled worker.
●You can have online interviews with companies you like.

Face-to-Face joint company briefing session [domestic] / たくさんの会社(かいしゃ)が 集(あつ)まる 説明会(せつめいかい)[国内(こくない)]

●You can directly hear about SSW jobs from company representatives.
●You can ask any questions you have.
●You can also apply for job openings at companies you like.

For more information / くわしい 情報(じょうほう)

For more information, visit the links below. / 詳(くわ)しい 情報(じょうほう)は 下(した)の リンクを みてください。↓↓↓

Job Fair for SSW/ Domestic/ International(外部サイト) 【海外(かいがい) ジョブフェア 、 国内(こくない)マッチングイベント】(English/Japanese flyers, etc./えいご と にほんご の チラシなど)

Support Website for the Specified Skilled Worker Program(外部サイト)特定技能 総合 支援(とくていぎのう そうごう しえん ) サイト】(Multilingual/多言語(たげんご)

【Immigration Services Agency(出入国在留管理庁(にゅうかん)】

What is the SSW?(外部サイト) (Multilingual)
【Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan / 外務省(がいむしょう)】


市民文化部 市民生活安全課 市民生活相談グループ

〒900-8585 沖縄県那覇市泉崎1丁目1番1号 市庁舎1階

